Not gonna happen

By how bout no! - 09/10/2020 17:01 - United States - Hesperia

Today, my boyfriend of 5 years said that he wants to marry and spend his life with me. But first he wants to go be wild and single for a few years before settling down. Not only does he not see a problem with this, he expects me to wait and be faithful to him while he “gets it out of his system”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 731
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Tell him go to go be wild and single. Then, find someone a lot better, and when he comes back, show him what he lost and how much you upgraded.

Him: "Go be wild and single" - yes. You: "Wait and be faithful" - no.


He wants an Amish rumspringa! He'll probably end up just churning his own butter.

Hailstorm92 10

Tell him yes but don’t get back with him when he does but keep the ring if he’s proposed an all string him along until he wants back with ya. Teach the pig a lesson

Him: "Go be wild and single" - yes. You: "Wait and be faithful" - no.

tounces7 27

Tell him go to go be wild and single. Then, find someone a lot better, and when he comes back, show him what he lost and how much you upgraded.

he's being an asshole but he is not lying. this is lying. which is worse too.

Lora Wood 11

Find someone to agree to be your new boyfriend. Watch him lose his mind. Video the meeting.

xingyibear 5

tell him sure, lets see how this plays out. let him free and do his thing. then instead of waiting and being faithfull ypu move on and throw away this trashy dude

Drop him like a bad habit. You can do better than a man that obviously needs to be taken by the geese.

Xoduis 6
SPrilla 1

what about trying out polyamory??? look into it and if he feels he didn't experience enough maybe talk about what u both need. if it's better to seperate or stay together. be open n honest