Not into it, sorry

By Foreverjerkingit - 11/09/2022 20:00

Today, it was my wedding night. My new wife decided that she was going to be “asexual” because “there are other ways to show your love without sex” and “If you wanna bust a nut, that’s what your hand is for.” She had the nerve to be confused as to why I am upset. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 071
You deserved it 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Annulment is a thing ya know. If you don't wanna practice annulment, maybe communicate with her about why she dosen't want to include sex/intimacy in the marriage. It could be reasons like trauma, trust issues, religion, uneducated reasoning, etc. Communication will safe you both headaches. Seriously though, I see this going down the path of either annulment or wishing you got the marriage annulled if I were to be honest.

Did she really decide that on a whim or is this something she mentioned before that you dismissed because you don’t seem to think it’s real?


Annulment is a thing ya know. If you don't wanna practice annulment, maybe communicate with her about why she dosen't want to include sex/intimacy in the marriage. It could be reasons like trauma, trust issues, religion, uneducated reasoning, etc. Communication will safe you both headaches. Seriously though, I see this going down the path of either annulment or wishing you got the marriage annulled if I were to be honest.

Did she really decide that on a whim or is this something she mentioned before that you dismissed because you don’t seem to think it’s real?

You just made the case for pre-marital sex.

The sad thing is they probably had premarital sex. And then on wedding night it was Suprise! No more sex. Reminds me of that joke single men get multiple times a week, married men on anniversaries only if they remember or on their birthdays.

xxWTFxx1981 23

Lol... Did you marry someone that needed a green card. Or maybe they are poor and you got money to support them. Either way I guarantee someone else is getting sex from her.

Annulment if it's still recent marriage Counseling if there's love or chance of improvement Divorce if sex and physical closeness is important for you, but not for her. Also this is quite a sudden change just after wedding to say "I'm asexual, deal with it". I would question why she didn't bring it up before? What about children? I'm upset and confused for you because it feels like she trapped a man and decided oh well dating is over I have papers so now I can become asexual, and make other life changing choices Without involving the husband. As a side note Regular sex has shown great benefits in mental health, keeping cancer away and stimulating body in ways that diminishes stress, anxiety, frustration and anger.

Blobby McGee 5

lawyer up. get away. that situation will destroy your mental health