Oh, thanks…

By Whoops - 24/06/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I lost it on my co-workers about how hard I've been working, picking up everyone's slack with no appreciation, and it was clear that I needed to find a job that actually rewarded hard work. As I went to grab my jacket to leave, I saw a cake and gift card for a cruise on the table, from the staff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 137
You deserved it 72 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

idk whether you deserved it or not, it sucks you had to do that but you should have looked around before you threw a hissy fit! you have great coworkers you should apologize

jumpman3000 0


hbgoddard 0

Wow... Terrible timing. If it was me, I probably would have sat down in disbelief and cried, apologized my ass off, and hope they forgive me enough to just forget about it. But then again, they did deserve it for not appreciating you sooner. Wouldn't it be funny if you walked out without noticing the cake, and someone there went, "I told you we should have done this yesterday!" But seriously, that sucks. FYL.

crvenazvezda 0

ahh that f**king sucks dude

Dude! You shouldn't do work because you want a reward! You should do work because it's the right thing to do! Not to mention that's why you even have a job in the first place--to work! Karma catches up to you sooner or later. Bad karma tends to be faster than good karma. YDI for expecting too much.

I don't think he was expecting anything, but if you were working as hard as him, wouldn't you want to hear at least a "thank you" or something? rme.

Work is for money. Appreciation yields money. It's not inherently "right" or "wrong;" it inherently pays a mortgage and buys food.

arioch_fml 20

Not to mention he wasn't mad about the work he was doing. He was mad that he had to do the work of his coworkers because they were slacking off. I'd at least expect a thank you every now and then if I were Op. Right and wrong? If you're going by that, it's wrong to have someone do YOUR work that you get paid for, for however long the Op has been picking up the slack.

I dont think YDI cos I know how bad it feels to work so hard and put effort into things and get no thanks or appreciation but your life also isn't Fed cos you got a reward in the end.

Colby_Colbert 0

you should have grabbed the cake, grabbed the card & yelled "everything better be in tip top ******* shape when i get back from my cruise or else you assholes are fired!!!!"

I hope you got fired. You don't do stuff like that at work jacknut.

FmattL 0

well he was about to quit anyways so thats probably what he was aiming for

dude they were stressed out and had to do almost all the work of their coworkers, and if you had to do that as long as they did I think you would do the same

lolzforfun228 3

27 you sound like the average dumbfuck american asshole. It's just too funny that you lost it on the day they thanked you lol.

Wow. If Americans are all like that you should be the president... What was even the point of saying that? They watched their language (unlike you) and simply said "I hope you got fired" because you really can't expect to keep your job if you go on a rant like that. I know OP was quitting anyways, but that's not an excuse.

I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same.

irishlassie731 0
PaulG10 0

why does everyone blame the OP for this? we all know how it is to be the one who is the only one who does the work around the place, or at least i do.... its easy to go off on people for such a thing. how was he supposed to know about what was on the table?