Oh, thanks…

By Whoops - 24/06/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I lost it on my co-workers about how hard I've been working, picking up everyone's slack with no appreciation, and it was clear that I needed to find a job that actually rewarded hard work. As I went to grab my jacket to leave, I saw a cake and gift card for a cruise on the table, from the staff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 137
You deserved it 72 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

idk whether you deserved it or not, it sucks you had to do that but you should have looked around before you threw a hissy fit! you have great coworkers you should apologize

jumpman3000 0


Gaby_peaceandluv 0

ooouu.... feel like a dick yet?

YDI you should have never thrown a little hissy fit like that. shows you that you spoiled the surprise with that

so are we doing comments in haiku form now ?

beaverdogmouse 0

FYL for getting a cruise and a cake. life sucks. live with it.

I think its more of an FHL because this guy works very hard and it seems like he hasn't been given an ounce of appreciation until..that moment.

Colby_Colbert 0

#29 exactly, so kiss my dick

Aw that's so sad I wish it wuznt true...aww I'm srry FYL u should go back and apologize BiG time!

lakergurl91 0

Grab the cake/gift card and run!! Smile Jesus loves you =)

oooooh I bet you felt like an ass!! hopefully u didn't quit, and I hope u still get your cruise!

Hahaha. As much as I resist, life proves to me over and over again that it's always worth it to give people the benefit of the doubt, and to hold my tongue whenever I'm about to say something negative. It's so hard to do, but I inevitably wind up in a really bad situation if I don't. Like this. PS - if you're prone to passive-aggressiveness, like me, assertiveness is your friend! If people are slacking off, a gentle reminder is not a bad thing. Enjoy your cruise! :)