
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took out my ear cartilage piercing. With my comb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 499
You deserved it 10 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

If my ass-hair were long, I wouldn't brush it -- I'd get it shaved or waxed off. Not so much for the vanity, but to combat the dingleberry plague. I guess I'd miss the cushioning when I sit down, though ;(


meganasoarus 0

I think you were being a little ruff on your hair :(

That's what you get for piercing your self...

Should've just stopped writing the FML at "cartilage". I'll pretend you did so I can laugh more.

I've done this before... I've considered taking my earring out permanently but I like the blinginess :P FYL, I feel your pain D:

Hisbabyforever 0

No, of course not! You know me better then that.

I think zmeilerr is fake. OOOOH yeah...take that.

It is possible. My hair dresser did it to one of my cartilage piercings once. If you have a super low threshold for pain, as apparently OP does, I suppose it may hurt a little.

Or if you have a solid ring that rips through your ear when forced out, that might be painful. Poor maimed ear..

That's true. I have 16 gauge captive rings in my cartilage piercings now and I haven't had the pleasure of accidentally ripping them out yet. That actually might hurt.

eh not too bad, expect lots of blood though, I ripped one of mine out by catching it on a truck door frame

I feel her pain too, I took out my tragus piercing with my headphones.

I thought combing is a slow process.. hope it heals fast though

perdix 29

I guess Buyer's Remorse is even possible with body piercings. Using a comb to remove it was a resourceful touch. Oh, well, you just wasted some money to find out that you don't look so hot with a cartilage piercing -- live and learn.

unless you stick another bar in and take care of it right, I still have a bar in the one I ripped one of the acrylic balls through

iliveinthesky_fml 0

Omg, same thing happened to me while I was brushing my long,ass hair. It hurt like HELL! But on the bright side I was still able to put the earring back in; just suffered from a throbbing, red, swollen ear for the day. So you should be alright...I think...

perdix 29

If my ass-hair were long, I wouldn't brush it -- I'd get it shaved or waxed off. Not so much for the vanity, but to combat the dingleberry plague. I guess I'd miss the cushioning when I sit down, though ;(

Ahhahahahahaa!! The perfect example of why punctuation is your friend!

bella789 8

just commenting becuAse UR profile pic I <3 crystal castles (;