
By blow me - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia - Vermont

Today, I bought some pricey lipstick for a date tonight. An hour after putting it on, my lips are so swollen, I look like a blow-up sex doll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 234
You deserved it 3 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FlamingJazkinz 15

Just don't act like one and you'll be fine :D

Unlike a blow-up sex doll, you're still going on a date. :P


You mean your lips were voluptuous. Look for silver linings even if they aren't there op xD

Murilirum 23

Again setting unrealistic standards for women everywhere! Looking like a blowup doll is the toughest one yet.

That could come in handy later if you know what I mean OP.

karcummings 19

so that's how kylie jenner does it…

What the hell was in that? Well you now have a known allergy...