Recognize this?

By Anonymous - 06/10/2014 02:42 - United States - Rock Island

Today, I sent my boyfriend a picture of my vagina. He replied, "What's that?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 431
You deserved it 19 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This would be even more of an FML if he was a sexually active person...


nikmiester 7

There's a fine line between sexy and weird

Maybe it was a setup for a pickup-line-type joke?

jessiejamesp 11

You shouldn't have to tell him what that is but if he sends you a picture you could always get him back just say kinda looks like a penis only smaller

MaddieDtragedies 8

and this kids is why you don't date minors.

kittykat1501 31
kittykat1501 31

What is a man who doesnt know what a ****** looks like?