Rules are meant to be broken

By hospitalflunky - 28/03/2009 06:35 - United States

Today, I got an email from a professor saying he was going to fail me for missing the allotted absences, which is school policy. I pointed out I was in the hospital for two weeks with a life threatening illness and that he even came to visit me. He told me, "Rules are rules." FML
I agree, your life sucks 155 181
You deserved it 7 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've had similar issues (I miss a lot of class due to illness as well). Go to the dean of students or if your school has a Student Disability Center or something. Rules may be rules but you cannot penalize a student for something that's beyond their control, it's illegal.

Have you tried talking to the dean of students? If anything, you could try to get the class marked as incomplete or dropped (or stricken from the record entirely).


sounds like your better which is every person before me said...go to your counselor, or your dean. All schools have a policy on this what-if situation

I'm pretty sure there was one almost exactly like this only a few days ago...

This is grounds for an academic appeal, talk to the dean of your college, or the chancellor if you have to.

that ************ needs to die. DIE ************ DIE ************ DIE

Give us the professor's email. We will set him straight. I missed a week of school while in college. I was in the hospital for mental issues. When I came back, none of my teachers said a thing and simply docked me for the time missing. A lot of teachers do not all.

Ridley_fml 0

yup like most people are saying, all ya need to do is fill out the paper work and have it taken care of. He DOES have to fail you unless you do the paper work. It is harsh that he would say it like that, the least he could have done is given you the necessary forms to do it.

Fucked4Life 0

#10 You're the douche bag, of course the professor shouldn't be able to fail the kid for having a life threatening illness and having to miss class. What are you? Some bitter professor?

mylifesucks_alot 0

Same thing happened to me last semester. I had missed 4 assignments, had an A up until that point and still got an F in the class (for being in the hospital) because it was "easier" for her than giving me an incomplete. She said the assignments couldn't be submitted electronically was a computer class!

Oh well that's just rediculous. Here's some advice...accuse him of sexual harassment. Payback's a bitch. I can't believe he saw you, and still says that.