Squeezed one out

By harris - 25/06/2021 02:00

Today, I was desperate for the toilet when I got stopped by our CEO for a chat about a project I made a ton of profit on. I was so close to disaster that when she pulled me in for a hug I wasn’t expecting, it happened. Diarrhoea down my legs and shoes. I practically made the CEO vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 320
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

a simple "I'm sorry but I need to use the restroom, can I come see you later?" would have solved that issue. just because the boss wants to talk doesn't mean you ignore bodily functions because of that fact.

If I was that CEO I would have sent you home immediately to try and feel better.


Jon Tessler 14

a simple "I'm sorry but I need to use the restroom, can I come see you later?" would have solved that issue. just because the boss wants to talk doesn't mean you ignore bodily functions because of that fact.

If I was that CEO I would have sent you home immediately to try and feel better.