
By Muscle - 06/03/2009 21:07 - Canada

Today, I flew home early from a two-month trip to Europe to surprise my boyfriend on his birthday. When I got to his house with a home baked cake from scratch and a quilt with silk-screened pictures from my trip, his roommate answered the door and said, "Oh sorry, he's out with his girlfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 153
You deserved it 3 964

Same thing different taste

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Capybara 0

At least you can keep the quilt. Pretty cool memento. Make sure you think of a creative way to dump him!

OUCH!!! Now THAT'S a real FML moment. Your boyfriend's a real d-bag.


i call all my female friends girl friends. maybe thats what his roomie does too ? lets not jump to conclusions too soon op.

ya two months of you off doing whatever it would be over with me two but I'd tell you as you left