Take it or leave it

By Thanks - 19/10/2022 04:00

Today, our company hit our sales goals, an all-time high since before the pandemic. Our reward after working so hard all year long? A goodie bag with a keychain with the company logo on them. When I suggested a bonus, my boss said, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 913
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love the way companies think that the reward for working hard and making the company record amounts of money should be the same as if you didn't. And then wonder why the staff are unmotivated.

anon9878 7

That is when it is time to find a new job who will reward your effort


I love the way companies think that the reward for working hard and making the company record amounts of money should be the same as if you didn't. And then wonder why the staff are unmotivated.

anon9878 7

That is when it is time to find a new job who will reward your effort

A company that doesn't truly recognize and appreciate hard work and a job well done is not a good place to work. If you are not making top 20% for your position in the industry with benefits etc. I would look somewhere else. sometimes I hate my management team, but even with a joke for benefits I make more than most in my field, so I choose to stay. look around and weigh your options and needs.

I bet your boss’ keychain has a nice new car key on it.