Thanks, son

By sucksforme. - 10/05/2009 05:05 - Canada

Today, I was supposed to catch a 4:40 flight to New York. My 5 year-old son handed me my carry on bag as I left the house. Turns out he had put his older brother's BB gun into my bag to "keep me safe." I missed my flight after I was detained and strip-searched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 349
You deserved it 6 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AK 2

It sucks when kids do stuff like that, but they really don't know any better. Best is to tell them that they've done wrong, and hope that they won't do it again.

Hope you got compensation or put on another flight for free :/


1st off, yd ur son have a BB gun? And 2nd off, u shouldve checked ur bag b4 u went on the plane! Sure ur kid wuz just trying to do the rite thing, but u shouldve checked, and I hope u do from now on.

...if he would've put in a fake badge, you would've been all set. ha.

idontgiveone 0

thats cute but its your fault not checking ur bag before you go. :)

hope88 0

sorry about that, but his intentions were good!! and fyi ppl it was his OLDER brothers bb gun! read!

Nothing wrong with kids having toys, and its just plain stupid of some ppl not to realize that.

i wasnt even allowed to have a WATER gun

It was his older brother's bb gun, the brother needs to be disciplined for not taking proper care of it, not the 5 year old. It's a sad day when people think a parent deserves to have child services called on them for giving their child a toy. Strip searched over a bb gun? Airport security sucks, and this is why I don't fly anymore. FYL

Eyehateme2 0

Shenanigans. TSA doesn't strip search. Not for a BB gun. Maybe question you and a background check. As long you you are cooperative and that's all you have you should only be delayed 30 to 45 minutes.

ineloquent 0

I don't think it's so bad that a 5-year-old would want his mom to be safe. But I would DEFINITELY be having a talk with both of them when I got home: explaining to the older one that he needs to his BB gun in a place where his brother can't get it and explaining air port security to the younger one.

Ouch. F your life, and F your son's life. It would be amusing to see what will happen to him when you get home.