The Covid who stole Christmas

By TCRII - 22/12/2020 08:09

Today, I picked up my 5 year-old son for Christmas break. We were on the way to the airport, talking about Santa and what we were going to do over the break when my fiancée called to tell me that she had been exposed to Covid-19. I took him home to his mom's and missed my flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 841
You deserved it 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

This may be across state/country lines with a large distance between where the parent lives and where the child was picked up. Not ideal but people move after divorces/splits. Either way, sorry to hear this but thank you for keeping your son safe. It sucks but remember there is now light at the end of the tunnel and both of you living to see that day will make this setback a drop in the bucket. Hang in there. This will only be temporary.

sarahcroy20 12

Why were you even thinking of getting on a plane during a pandemic?


sarahcroy20 12

Why were you even thinking of getting on a plane during a pandemic?

coius 23

This may be across state/country lines with a large distance between where the parent lives and where the child was picked up. Not ideal but people move after divorces/splits. Either way, sorry to hear this but thank you for keeping your son safe. It sucks but remember there is now light at the end of the tunnel and both of you living to see that day will make this setback a drop in the bucket. Hang in there. This will only be temporary.

peterblack67 9

I dont understand why you're flying anywhere during a pandemic.