The reverse beard

By heart-broken - 03/07/2009 01:33 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend left me. The reason? She's not actually a lesbian. She has been using our relationship to piss off her conservative parents. We've been together for over a year, and I've been in love with her for over five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 930
You deserved it 8 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's one spiteful bitch. You should sneak into her room while she's sleeping and shave her head, so she really looks like a lesbian. I kid, I kid. Please refrain from the "omgz U R teh stereotyperest!!1" comments.

AlphaC 0

I would venture that the fact that you were in love with her for 4 years BEFORE you were together is a bigger FML. That said, that totally sucks.


Somewhere down the road, she's going to find out her boyfriend is gay and was just using her to hide his sexuality from his parents.

Wow, that sucks balls! Hmmm, I guess only she does! Can I get a rimshot?

BigSky 5

I hope you enjoy the sympathy you're getting here. It looks like karma got you for your lifestyle.

Ugh, shut up you prick. Honestly... It's people like you that make me want to gag. You've got no business telling people how to live their lives... It doesn't affect you.

Omg. Just because she's a lesbian doesn't make her bad. Just because that's her lifestyle doesn't mean it's bad-it's a**es like you that scare people into thinking they can't tell people.

elara15 0

Good thing straight people never get into relationships with each other for the wrong reasons!

nataliebear 0

wrong! heterosexuals probably use each other in a relationship more than homosexuals.

SmittyJA24 26

You can't be "in love" for 4 years with someone you REALLY don't know. See what happens? Yup... you're ******.

TheUnthinkable 0

what do you mean someone she doesn't really know? she was probably her friend or something before they got together so she could've been in love with her. it happens ALL THE TIME

Yeah...I know the feeling. same thing happened to me. You never really get over it all the way.

withthepizzagirl 0
Audreykayx3 0

Damn, I'm so glad I've never had a relationship that turned out like that. I have no idea what I'd do if my girlfriend told me she was straight, I'd be broken. I'm so sorry hun. :( FYL, majorly.