Therapist from Wish

By Marie - 27/07/2019 08:00 - United States

Today, I was talking to my online therapist about my problems with relationships, mainly that guys only want sex and don't listen to me. After I'd confided in him, and told him how I felt about my issues, he told me he would marry me and have my children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 964
You deserved it 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colderthanyou 15

Holy unprofessional. Time for a new therapist!

He would have your children? Aren’t you supposed to have his?


Wow, I know a good therapist will try inventive techniques to treat your problems, but this is ridiculous!

ryand82 11

That’s not how that’s supposed to work. If that was an attempt to be funny, it really isn’t.

colderthanyou 15

Holy unprofessional. Time for a new therapist!

He would have your children? Aren’t you supposed to have his?

There are two kinds of men. Those who pretend to listen while they wonder how to get sex real fast - and those who don't pretend to listen - I wonder which category your online therapist is in? Maybe try a female online therapist.

I know OP probably don't read responses but for any of you that find yourself in similar situations please screen shot the conversation and immediately report this behavior to the company he is working for and to the government office regulating professionals in your area. This is abuse.

Online therapist? Is that from that website they've been advertising all over YouTube a while back? Better get a proper therapist instead of that shady online stuff.

Are you sure he was really a therapist, and not one of the Paul brothers?