This is why we can't have nice things

By Anonymous - 13/03/2024 10:00 - United States

Today, I’m an adult and my mother lives with me, not me with her. She found out I was going to be gone for 9 days on vacation and that she couldn’t come, so she had a “mental break down” and checked herself into a psych ward. Last year, she did the same thing when I graduated college and celebrated it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 677
You deserved it 81

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't even return I would move in somewhere else and she would never ever know where that was

I think it's time for you & your mother to find separate living spaces


I think it's time for you & your mother to find separate living spaces

I wouldn't even return I would move in somewhere else and she would never ever know where that was

Are you an only child? I take it she is either divorced or widowed. I think she needs some help for more issues than she is letting on. Taker her mental health seriously. If this is a controlling tactic it needs addressed as much as any other disorder. You could be reported to Adult Protective Services for neglect. Noone wants that. Also, don't neglect YOUR mental health. so, do take a vacation away from her. You need that break. If you have siblings, ship her off to them while you are gone. If not, I don't really know. You are in a hard situation. I feel for you.

If she's perfectly functional in the rest of her life then you really need to move her out. For your own sanity and for the sake of any future relationships, including the one with her. If she's like this in the rest of her life then you need to be talking to your nearest mental health clinic and getting her treatment. Before she decides that the best way to stop you having any sort of life is persistently spiking your coffee with something to keep you home 'sick'...

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like she qualifies for a long stay at said psych ward...

That's great, your dog kenneled itself. Enjoy the holiday.

Okay so I've been in the psych ward. There is absolutely nothing you can or will do beyond making a phone call once a day. The staff will take care of her, and you absolutely should go ahead on your vacation. Tell the staff about her prior visits and what you were doing, then let them do their jobs. She's in exactly the place she needs to be, and you should treat it that way.