
By bad sleeper - 19/05/2021 08:00 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend why he never wants to sleepover anymore. He said he loves me, but that sleeping next to me is like sleeping next to someone reenacting the crucifixion while being mauled to death by squirrels. So much for cuddling through the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 892
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Does that mean you snore? It may be time to talk to your doctor about it. They could help you figure out the cause and you could eventually sleep with your boyfriend again too. Win/win!


ojoRojo 27

Does that mean you snore? It may be time to talk to your doctor about it. They could help you figure out the cause and you could eventually sleep with your boyfriend again too. Win/win!