Bed of nails

By JoanT - 31/08/2020 20:01 - United States - Kailua Kona

Today, my boyfriend’s bed is so uncomfortable that even after six months of not seeing him, I’m sleeping on the floor so I can actually get some sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 224
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can be like one of those old-timey couples with separate "his" and "hers" beds. Or go really old school and sleep in separate rooms.

JoanT 11

We actually have had this conversation when it gets to that point I want my own space and he wants his, I love him but we aren’t clingy people... plus i sleep with the tv on he doesn’t my dog sleeps with me he has no pets.... do what makes you happy


You can be like one of those old-timey couples with separate "his" and "hers" beds. Or go really old school and sleep in separate rooms.

JoanT 11

We actually have had this conversation when it gets to that point I want my own space and he wants his, I love him but we aren’t clingy people... plus i sleep with the tv on he doesn’t my dog sleeps with me he has no pets.... do what makes you happy

Gotta have the doggo with you! So, what's wrong with his bed? Is it lumpy or too soft?

JoanT 11

Stupid soft like you sink into it and can’t get out soft

genuinegoodguy 9
JoanT 11

Bed for boyfriend? Not worth it he’s the best.....and if nothing else at least he’s not you. 😂

Maybe get him one of those memory foam toppers.

JoanT 11

I’m not there enough to invest but it’s two mattresses if he would get a box spring it would be fine