To make an omelette

By EggyBum - 26/01/2010 01:41 - United States

Today, I was putting groceries into my car, and I put the eggs on the driver's seat while I arranged my other bags. I was frustrated because the dome light was acting up, which drives me crazy. Once I got everything in, I crankily plopped into the car. I had never moved the eggs off my seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 138
You deserved it 30 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexie206 0

store bought eggs can't be hatched just FYI

r0ck_this 0

this was funny because i can see myself doing this. i also think it;s funny that everyone is being so my-shit-dont-stink like they have never had a moment like this before in their life. makes you wonder what they think when a moment like this actually DOES occur .... they probably blame it on someone else. at least we can laugh at our mistakes after accepting them as our own, haha. (:


egg-cellent, now you have chicken period and shards of shell all over your ass.

a flickering light caused you to be pissed off and you blame it on that? YDI for sure.

"I don't think you're happy enough. That's right! I'll teach you to be happy. I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs."

CyclonePsycho 1

I love you. So much. So much that it hurts.