By AwkwardHaole808 - 22/05/2013 22:52 - United States - Hilo

Today, a friend was put on suicide watch when her parents wouldn't pay $500 for a premium senior picture package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 599
You deserved it 4 419

AwkwardHaole808 tells us more.

AwkwardHaole808 16

My friend isn't suffering from depression. She told me she did this stunt because she couldn't get the package that she wanted and that this would "show her parents". Also, yes this doesn't affect me nearly as much as it does her or her loved ones. However, I am her friend and don't want to lose a good friend over something so small.

Top comments

Since it was a stunt, it's pretty obvious that she's spoiled. She's gonna get a hard smack in the face from reality when she graduates and is out on her own. I hope you told her what she did was extremely selfish and stupid. Because it obviously affected more than just her parents.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

I guess you could say that that had a killer price tag. No? i didn't think so... I'll show myself to the dog house.


bigbangvip1 7
RedPillSucks 31

If yell them to go suck start a shotgun with a mouthful of water. The water causes the head to explode btw

What in all hell... I'm glad I'm not your friend, Sir.

Spoiled little brat, they're just pictures.

pandabrr 12

She doesn't know what's coming her way after graduation. :/

It's things Like this that make me want to burn high schools to the ground. Entitled bitch or not; the very fact that a photo package for a school picture costs more then I make in 2 weeks is ridiculous. Its no wonder kids have no idea the value of a dollar; they spend all of their school years having expensive all crap shoved down their throat and told it's important; without any alternatives. I remember in junior high; the end of the year field trip thing; 100$ just to go; and we where told you had to pay that whether you went or not. Had so much fun getting the piss slapped out of me when I asked for that money just for a trip I already wasn't allowed to go on. (Teacher didn't like me; purposefully failed me on a test to get my grade below a B so I couldn't go.) Sad thing is; there where multiple children acting like if they couldn't go, life wasn't worth living. That was about when I realized my generation and the one coming after me was ****** royally.

Thing is, in most schools, the price of the picture isn't determined by the school itself. The school usually contracts a photography company to come to the school and take the pictures. But I do agree about the ridiculousness of class trips, my choir went to Jamaica last year on a cruise and it cost $10,000 to go for a room on the ship that you share with 3 other people.

Someone is a spoiled brat ,if you are her good friend ,you will tell her to knock that shit off.

ileenefudge 29

I highly doubt her friend will listen to reason if she thinks she can get what she wants with such a serious threat, wether she does it or not.