By Anonymous - 01/09/2013 04:40 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, after I explained to my waitress that I have an allergy to butter, she nonetheless put some on my baked potato. When I had her get me another, without butter, she came back with one and then asked if I would like butter with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 855
You deserved it 3 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CommonSenseKarma 17

It was probably just a mechanical response. When you deal with customer service it tends to happen.


Waitresses don't put butter on potatoes...cooks do. I always tell them to tell the cooks these sorta things to avoid crap like this.

The waitress should have told the cook without OP has to ask her to.

I was mostly referring to before she asked for another one. Plus we don't know if it was busy or not because trust me, when it gets extremely busy in a restaurant, there's bound to be a mistake here and there. Asking if OP would like butter, however, was stupid on the waitress' part.

#12 yes, mistakes happen (busy or not) but it's the server's job to make sure that the person's food comes out correctly. Especially when they say they are "allergic". The cooks aren't the ones getting tipped, you are. :P

Not in the many many bars and restaurants I've worked in. None of the cooks/chefs got any of our tips. I have however bought them a few drinks after a hard shift. (:

if you're in Canada, its standard in most places to tip out 1-5% of your tips to the cooks/hostess

I get that all the time when I ask for burgers/sandwiches/salads etc with no tomato. I think it's just an automatic reaction.

Would you like some butter with that?

If you can't tip, then go to McDonalds...

toalysium 15

I agree. The tip is supposed to pay for good service, and it is EARNED not automatic!

Oh they have the ability to tip, however, they shouldn't tip if you have an allergy and it seems like you aren't being heard from your waitress.

Nurd4lyfe 7

52- It's not about whether they could afford to tip or not. But I would probably choose not to tip someone who keeps trying to kill me

Sadly I've seen worse on Not Always Working. I guess there are just some people that don't care too much about their jobs and don't bother to remember important things.

perdix 29

Tell her that she's cute -- you've got to butter her up to get her to listen to you. Her intellect is not going to help you, butter vanity will.

Oh, hello Casanova. You have the most impossible ideas.

DrownedMyFish 18

You sound like a slick man, Perdix. I bet there is no margarine for error with that plan. OP is sure to have a smooth success.

Wizardo 33

She probably can't believe you're allergic to butter...

Well now you came to know which side of the bread is buttered...or in your case, the potato!

perdix 29

Please do an experiment for us: Try a potato with "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter." See if your immune system can believe it's not butter, or if it cannot NOT believe it's not butter and freak out with an allergic reaction. Your results can go to a medical journal and TV ads.

I was going to make an "I can't believe it's not butter!" joke, but you beat me to it.