By Anonymous - 15/03/2014 22:05 - United States - Littleton

Today, after leaving my workplace, I realized that I forgot some important work papers. When I went back to get them, I was faced with the sight of my boss and a coworker getting it on against my desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 583
You deserved it 5 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well, did they invite you to join them?

Ever heard of blackmail? Now ask for a raise ;)

You could have taken a pic of them ;). You know, for "reasons"

TcheQ 12

And you didn't join in? Wuss

RAISE. .. more than you paycheck was raised that day

Why are all these people saying blackmail? Just reporting is the responsible thing to do if it's against policy, and it won't get OP into further trouble with legal issues. And possibly saving the company from legal issues too, which might work out to a bonus for OP.

Consider it a life lesson. Once you leave the office, keep going!