By malnourishedstudent - 08/06/2016 08:38 - United States - Palm Coast

Today, after months of living on five dollars a day for food in college, I found out my parents bought me an expensive meal plan and forgot to mention it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 522
You deserved it 1 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least they bought it and you eventually found out! It was a rough start, but now you'll be able to dine like a king! Er, a college student with a meal plan, but you get the point.

At least you'll be eating good now :)


Hey, at least they bought it and you eventually found out! It was a rough start, but now you'll be able to dine like a king! Er, a college student with a meal plan, but you get the point.

Well it depends it could have been a one year plan and the school should be done be now. And it would be a double FML..

Helldemon 32

150 dollars a month is more than enough to live on and buy decent food with. Maybe they just bought expensive food/drinks.

infernno 23

As a fellow college student, I feel your pain so much. Go forth and eat the entire dining hall.

on the bright side, you will appreciate it more :)

Why wouldn't you have asked them beforehand? YDI.

burgermike92 17

Because not everyone uses a meal plan. Sure OP could've checked, but it was still their parents' responsibility to tell them. After all they're probably the ones paying for it.

Yeah because everyone at their parents have already bought an expensive meal plan..

Any way to get a credit for the months not used? Just a thought. It never hurts to ask!

zeffra13 31

My school has the plan roll over until the end of the school year. If not used by then, your loss. Students with a bunch left ended up selling their credits to students who didn't have any by meeting up to swipe them in & getting paid back in cash.

Jillene 8

Well from this day forward you will be eating like royalty! Lol

why wouldn't you discuss what was being paid for beforehand ? At least you can work on that freshman 15 now