By agnosticstudy - 28/01/2009 21:53 - United States

Today, all three of my meals consisted of two Hot Pockets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 933
You deserved it 27 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where is the "I agree, your life is delicious" option?


kornonthecobb 0

lol i bet its a fml cause he's gonna have 2 crap all day the next day

C_LYN1234 0

youve gotta be a college student going through the same thing

I don't get it either. There are at least six awesome flavors of hot pockets... Or you could learn to cook.

How is that bad? I've done that for a week. I ate noodles for a whole month and I'm not whining xP

Hot pockets are amazing I agree with this person