By gonesofast - 09/10/2014 17:53 - United States - Quincy

Today, as I was about to leave home for my first sweet taste of freedom at my new apartment, my car died. I'm stuck here for at least the weekend and can look forward to my mom driving me to work. Freedom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 197
You deserved it 2 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NeonSteps 14

Look to bright side at least you'll get to work!!

Freedom is pretty nice, but remember to cherish the memories and time you spend with your family. Unless they're crazy, then you should run and run fast.


NeonSteps 14

Look to bright side at least you'll get to work!!

I don't know why people are down voting you number 1. The guy is very lucky to have people in his life willing to help him.

I used to have to rely on my family to get me to work, when I said I finished at 9 on a Friday night someone would come after half an hour. When j finished on Sunday at 7pm they'd come at 8. I'd walk the hour home but my shoes were so uncomfortable I couldn't bear to stand anymore. I'm just glad I can drive now, and we have a spare car for when one of our cars breaks, but not everyone has that luxury.

ol_greg54 8

Freedom is pretty nice, but remember to cherish the memories and time you spend with your family. Unless they're crazy, then you should run and run fast.

At least it was your car that died and not your cat. Try biking if it's not too far. It's cheaper transportation and it's free health benefits!

AnOriginalName 19

Winter is a thing. And it's approaching quickly. Especially in Massachusetts, where OP is.

Why should winter be a problem? I live in Finland and I bike to work every day, winter or summer. You just have to prepare better amd have winter tyres for the bike.

And gloves. Biking in chill air makes makes your fingers fall off... well that's what it feels like anyway.

Merridew 8

I cannot bike :( Never tried it. Perhaps the OP never did as well.

I don't know about in Finland 24 but here in Alaska, sometimes the roads don't get cleared of snow and ice until later in the day and the sidewalks rarely do. it's not safe to bike to work in the winter. and who wants to at -20 anyway?

orbit 22

And then there is the problem of ice. With only two wheels, when you hit ice you are probably going down.

At least your mom is willing to help. And on the bright side you'll eventually get your freedom.

orphanclubber 8

atleast your mom is awesome enough to drive you cheer up OP :D

That sucks! Hopefully you can get your car fixed soon!

Cars can be fixed but you have independence in a new place.