By noexceptions - 11/11/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, at school, I got stuck in the elevator and was about to panic before I remembered I had my phone. I called my mother and she called the school to tell them that I was stuck. They got me out in a few minutes and then confiscated my phone and gave me two detentions for using it in school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 558
You deserved it 3 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have the schools head on a platter for unreasonable treatment. This was an emergency situation in which you had no other choice. You were not disrupting a class or using it for conversation. Maybe you could have pushed the emergency call button in the elevator, but that's no excuse for the school's actions.

Horde 8

Doesn't elevators come with emergency ring and intercom?


WHOA. you have a freaking ELEVATOR at your SCHOOL? Damn, high-class much, lol.

Ziwhtam 0

My school is two stories high, and yes, there is an elevator. Two, in fact. One is for handicapped people, which I believe is required for schools with two stories or more. The other is used mainly for large equipment (e.g. band instruments etc.), and it technically isn't supposed to be used unless necessary, but we use it all the time anyway. The nearest staircase from that elevator is more than 100 meters away, so it's just a matter of time convienience, not laziness, which is the case when the staircase is right next to the elevator.

imeverywhere 0

if they would have asked for my phone i would have walked away cussing about how i had to sit in the ******* elevator and i wouldnt have give them a dam thing.

Guitarist45 0

Hey iGrenade! Us Americans take great pride in our gun-carrying, walmart-shopping, McDonalds-eating, bible-crazed, (not saying all bible readers are crazy : ) trailer-living, derby-watching, NASCAR-loving, best-healthcare-worst-system, white-as-hell, "patriots!" WHITE POWER!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!! jk! jk! ; )

Yay zero-tolerance! It's really more of an insult to the teachers and administrators than it is to you, so don't take it too personally. But FYL.

Well that's not right but who gives, get your mom up there and she'll get it back.

Wtf. I never understood those schools who does not allow students to use their phones. Of course, you're not supposed to use them in class, but there's no good reason not to use them during lunch and between classes.