By noexceptions - 11/11/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, at school, I got stuck in the elevator and was about to panic before I remembered I had my phone. I called my mother and she called the school to tell them that I was stuck. They got me out in a few minutes and then confiscated my phone and gave me two detentions for using it in school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 558
You deserved it 3 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have the schools head on a platter for unreasonable treatment. This was an emergency situation in which you had no other choice. You were not disrupting a class or using it for conversation. Maybe you could have pushed the emergency call button in the elevator, but that's no excuse for the school's actions.

Horde 8

Doesn't elevators come with emergency ring and intercom?


To Ox person- that's absolutly not true! My school has a strict no fone policy... First time is a week after school detention second is call home and meeting with prncipal 3rd is suspension in school...and we hve elevators in my school

Why on Earth would you call your mother? Why not 911 or your school? Mommy can't get you out of the elevator...

Let your mom know. She'll be able to pitch a fit to the administration and get rid of the detentions.

That sucks. I know this isn't fake because my school would SO do that. Most schools ban phones, or say "KEEP THEM IN YOUR FREAKING LOCKER!!!" It's all so messed up... :(

Nighta9 0

That is fake. Theres no way you would get in trouble for telling someone to help you cuz your stuck in an elevator

Fuzzy_Mama_Llama 0

@#71: No no no. Youza dumbass. That is not anything like this scenario and is irrelevant, so STFU. Stealing a car is nothing like that!! It'd be more like eating chocolate when you're on a diet to save you from some disease that could only be cured by chocolate. That's how you write a motherfuckin metaphor. Dumbass.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0
Erindub 0

You called your mommy?! Ha, ha! Why not just push the button in the elevator that calls for help. Wuss ; )

elevators don't insulate signals by all that much, I use mine inside them all the time