By What did I do wrong? - 04/09/2018 18:30 - United States - Manhattan

Today at university, I saw a girl on crutches struggling to make it up the stairs to the dining center. Feeling sympathetic, I politely offered to help her with her bags, and she declined. By declined, I mean she maced me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 937
You deserved it 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm that's assault I hope ya tripped the bitch she deserved it 🙄😐😕😈

tounces7 27

I'm mostly curious how she managed to mace you while going up stairs and using crutches. I mean that sounds like some real talent there.


Umm that's assault I hope ya tripped the bitch she deserved it 🙄😐😕😈

tounces7 27

I'm mostly curious how she managed to mace you while going up stairs and using crutches. I mean that sounds like some real talent there.

Boyufd 24

It’s a college, ya know where those “everything is rape” nut jobs are.

DraftHail614 17

Pretty much. Don't help women or else they'll accuse you some stupid shit that everyone will believe.

Tony Friddle 11


awildwhisper 30 the background story that you're the guy that put her in the crutches in the first place as a failed ploy to get her to "fall" for you ;p ? In all seriousness though I hope you reported this to campus police.

Is that what the cool kids are calling purse-snatching these days? Shame on you for trying to rob a cripple! (Or differently-abled American, as the whippersnappers say.)

Mungolikecandy 19

I hope you put a complaint in about her regarding assault. A good job she did not have a gun.

Justin Allan Bannister 9

that's a spicey meatball!!!! press charges