By Cossack_Man - 25/08/2009 20:07 - United States

Today, for karaoke, I sang American Woman by Lenny Kravitz. The entire audience cracked up laughing and at least three people pulled out their cell phones to record my performance. At the end, the DJ said, "Looks like someone had too much tonight." I was completely sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 859
You deserved it 11 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dont are what makes american idol hilarious :)

shiftydude 0

its originally by The Guess Who, not Lenny Kravitz ;)


kittenbear 0

yeah YDI for saying American Woman is by Lenny Kravitz rather than The Guess Who.

dumbass, American woman is by The Guess Who not Lenny Kravtiz, just cause he did a cover of it doesn't mean it's his song. YDI for being a dumbass and not knowing who originally did the song you ruined.

jess_00 0

Well it's better than the whole audience knowing you're sober and that you still suck that bad. You can pretend you had an excuse for being horrible one time and then never sing in public again :)

waah_fml 0

That's what you got for singing that version of the song, horrible cover.

You put yourself up there to be humiliated...and you got what you asked for. YDI.

YDI for two reasons. 1) the son is by the guess who, not kravitz and 2) you meant "too", numbnuts

Karaoke = A chance to be humiliated. You deserved it. And you deserved it even more for singing Lenny Kravitz. Shame on you.

StealthStorm67 0

First off, Lenny Kravitz did a cover of the song. So OP is right. And don't be a grammar nazi. But seriously, how do you not know you can't sing for shit? I hate when people tell others that they sound great just so they don't seem rude.

People thinking you are drunk when you are sober? Total bonus! People think you are the fun drunk guy and will allow behavior that a sober person can't get away with, BUT You save the money, calories, brain cells, liver function you would waste from actually consuming alcohol. Plus, you always pass Breathalyzer tests!

Atleast you are passionate and have the balls to get up and give it your all. People are all boring these days. Good for you.