By Ryan746 - 09/06/2009 05:45 - United States

Today, I asked a girl out and made plans to go see a movie. About 5 minutes in, I made a move to put my arm around her and smashed her in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 681
You deserved it 47 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI - You wait more then five minutes to pull this move.

smashed her in the face? how is that possible? i always thought you move you arm slowly...


axcrowsxdream 0

haha that actually happened to me once. my boyfriend tried to make a move, and WHAM right in the face. We dont date anymore, but we joke about it alot. I thought it was hilarious. So it she has a sense of humor, she should find it funny. xD

I don't think it would be very funny when she's in excruciating pain.

red_boots2 0

dude, on behalf of most men I say been there done that!

Uhh more like fHl, she's the one that got smashed in the face. Smooth, buddy, real smooth. And maybe wait a bit longer before pulling a move like that, especially if it's on the first date. YDI.

Belgramath 0

hey man I know how you feel I did that probably just about every time I was with my gf for like the first 3 months of us going out, she kinda got mad and I got hit alot XD

sarebear123 0


terror_twins 0
88sforlife 0