By hairstylistprobs - 23/06/2015 03:13 - United States

Today, I attended my best friend's wedding. Instead of throwing her bouquet, she turned around and handed it to me. I was the only single lady out of 150 guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 362
You deserved it 2 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dangerousreaper 13

You may be single, but at least you now have a free bouquet with none of the effort of wrestling over it

Well... at least you got the bouquet...


I'm sure you know there's no reason to rush into marriage. So to me personally, the situation sounds embarrassing more than anything. If the bride knew you were going to be the only single lady there, why didn't she just forego the bouquet toss or choose some kind of alternative? If all the guests RSVPed for themselves and their dates, surely she knew...

I guess all the single men at the wedding were swarming you once they found out.

You said you were the only single *lady* present. I hope that means your best friend was kind enough to invite some single men for you. :). You had no competition, either for the bouquet or for the guys.

Murilirum 23

What a crappy best friend. Putting you on the spot and shaming you? Not cool. I think you'll need someone else to be your maid of honor. There's no honor in treating a friend that way