By hoolagirl4422 - 20/09/2013 11:23 - Hong Kong - Kennedy Town

Today, I bumped into a really cute guy I know. I stuttered and floundered, before saying, "Hi, it's me, Megan Thomas." My surname isn't Thomas, but his is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 928
You deserved it 9 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AlittleSanity 11

You should have followed that up with the statement "unless you aren't man enough to make that happen". Would have loved to see his face then.

Well you've already made it obvious. Might as well go for gold at that point.


Fitzinator1995 13

Yeah cause the only guys worth anything pretty much think of marriage 24/7

The only cool way to end that situation would to be like "think about it" wink then run away , interpretive dance wouldn't kill your chances either.

Oops...well maybe things will get better next time you see him...

If he didn't remember you he probably didn't even notice that wasn't your right last name. Some guys find confused/ shy girls cute so there's a chance you didnt completely blow it.

I'm surprised no one commented "Shut up, Meg!" Couldn't the OP play it off like she was saying "Hi, it's me Megan. . . Thomas" as if she was just saying his name? I know lots of people that get called by their last names like they do in the military. Worth a try.

azarith 2

Yeah, he could've taken it as her making a direct address. If you're friends then some group of friends call each other by their last name.

Nervousness gets all of us to make mistakes.

Flattered that she was nervous and tongue tied not because of marriage. :P