By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I called my husband during my lunch to tell him that I wanted to go out tonight for my birthday. We got in argument because he said we couldn't afford it. When I got home from work, he was gone, so I called his cell to see where he went. Answer: to the bar with his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 592
You deserved it 3 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he could only afford to because his friends were buying. But FYL nonetheless.

jchansfan 0

Awww... Your husband is an ass. =(


Oh no, I'm hostage!? HELP HELP!!!! >___>

Aw that sucks! Sounds like somthing MY husband would do! Next time, come get me! We'll go out for your birthday lol

I'll send in a cowboy to help!!! because "...The world could use a cowboy right about now Run those bad guys right out of town Round 'em up and hunt 'em down The world could use a cowboy right about now The world could use a cowboy..."

*Bitchslaps ireply* Bastard. How dare you country up our conversation! Mercy, when I look at your name, I instead see "merci" the French word. I don't need help. I can kick my abductor's ass. I'd open up a can of whoop-ass, but I don't have a can opener.

Drinks are a lot cheaper than dinner, and if you couldn't afford it and argued with him about it he was probably feeling pretty stressed out and needed some time out.

perfectwinds 0

Depends on how many drinks you have and if he's stressed out he's probably having more than what it would cost for a dinner. It was her BIRTHDAY, that's why she wanted to go out! Being her HUSBAND he should have made it work. He's a jackass. OP, I hope that when his birthday rolls around you do the same thing.

He did. I'm tempted to bury the comment just so its countriness isn't glaring at my eyeballs.

I prefer my ass as un-country as possible. I live in Tennessee, remember? So I'm already exposed to this shit and the accompanying lifestyle too much.

You kill me with these puns! How the hell do they come to you so easily? *Bows down*