By rachlette - 17/04/2015 21:47 - United States - Seattle

Today, I coughed so hard that I fractured two ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 501
You deserved it 2 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That wasn't a cough, it's an alien trying to burst out of your chest cavity.

Sounds like you have very fragile bones. You should get that looked at.


uchihadesendent 14

I never thought you can do that you should get that checked out op asap.

So far coughing caused the following for me: nausea, loss of breath, headaches, a severed artery, a bold wessel popped in my left eye aaand throwing up.... I hate coughing!

rldostie 19

I've done something similar--coughed so much I ripped all the muscles around two ribs. Sorry, OP. Feel better!

similar happened to me, only I had 2 intercostal muscles strained on one side and one on the other from coughing.

You need calcium and vitamin d my friend. That should NOT happen.

The same thing happened to me except I had bronchitis for 4 weeks and couldn't stop coughing while they hurt.

Justin1459 16

Ouch OP, eat foods with more calcium you have a calcium deficiency. Feel better OP.

I'm calling BS. One might tear cartilage but breaking bones is nearly impossible by coughing hard enough.

you have the ability to become discombobulated young one. RUN TO THE HOSPITAL WTF ARE YOU DOING POSTING?!?!?!! society I swear