By FMeeee - 16/06/2014 18:50 - Portugal - Aveiro

Today, I decided to tell my family, including my husband, that I'm pregnant. Their reaction was basically a "meh" before returning to watching the World Cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 436
You deserved it 9 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Superwholock86 6

Probably not the best timing.

Looks like your husband scored the first goal.


Sooo... You couldn't think of a better time to announce this than the World Cup match in which the team your family was rooting for got smashed to a bloody pulp? Even if it's important news, didn't it occur to you that it's something you would probably want to say at a point in time when everyone would NOT be absorbed in the game, mentally tearing the guts out of the opposite team? You'd want to make this a happy memory, right?

It's the World Cup, what did you expect!!

Bad timing. If you had done it at another time the reaction would have been different.

Ah I see. You're in Portugal. That makes sense. In the states no one cares about futbol. We would've been happy for you.

No one will ever be as excited about your pregnancy than you. Don't worry - your child will love you more than anyone. :)

Maybe they thought you were trying to take them away from the World Cup...?

guyfawke 5

88, you're not much of a football (soccer) fan, are you?