By FMeeee - 16/06/2014 18:50 - Portugal - Aveiro

Today, I decided to tell my family, including my husband, that I'm pregnant. Their reaction was basically a "meh" before returning to watching the World Cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 436
You deserved it 9 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Superwholock86 6

Probably not the best timing.

Looks like your husband scored the first goal.


You did choose to make the announcement during the time they were enjoying the match. That's a little self-centered if you ask me. I'd say you deserve to be blown off. Given the announcement, one would think you'd wait until you had people's attention and not try to force their attention away from what was already going on.

Good Lord, I thought that only here in Brazil the devotion to soccer was so strong... I hate how much soccer and other sports can make people go blind to many really important things in life. Congratulations for you pregnancy OP, I wish all the best to you. And I'm glad Portugal took a huge beating from Germany; maybe your husband will learn something from that

You guys didn't start that well either. Unless that own-goal was intentional.

Well, by the end of the game we won. The point is nobody should let it take over the meaning of real and close human relations... Brasil/Portugal may win, or lose.... so what? Life goes on, and is so much more, means so much more than that..

#64: esclarecendo, eu estava a torcer por Portugal; fiquei "satisfeito" com a derrota somente pela reacção descabida do esposo de OP ao receber a notícia, mesmo em tempos de Copa ;)

Sim, eu percebi isso. Mas auto golo ainda dói xD

Marcelo pode se orgulhar de ter marcado o primeiro gol da copa, já é alguma coisa :p

P1tchB14ck 6

watched your home team get thrashed by Germany :p

What did you expect them to do, carry you on their shoulders?

Parabéns, OP. A reacção pode ter sido só de estarem distraídos com o jogo, tente falar sobre o assunto de novo quando puder; "meh" não é resposta.

Congratz on the pregnancy. But you picked the absolute worst time to try to request attention

sundaisy 6

Shouldn't have told them during the World Cup. May family would have reacted the same way

sweggy 5

Well no shit Sherlock. It says Portugal.

rocker_chick23 27

It says Portugal. Unless there is a new state in the US named Portugal, then OP isn't American.

ProudDaddy 7