By meesmees - 23/11/2013 10:48 - United States - Severna Park

Today, I ended up talking to a homeless man and bought him a meal. In return, he hugged me and groped my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 810
You deserved it 6 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grauncho 27

Looks like he got dessert with that meal.

The ass grope. By definition the best way to thank someone.


kyu_Q 19

I say YDI. getting your ass squeezed is a compliment. OP you were rewarded for doing something nice.

Most of these guys are homeless for a reason. Vancouver has a huge homeless population that just gets bigger thanks to all the enabling from people who are trying to "help"

People become homeless to take advantage of a free meal (and possible free ass grope)?

TheDrifter 23

Not at all. But it certainly helps them stay that way.

15, so the GFC, unemployment due to job cuts and business closures have nothing to do with the homeless people or how they got into such a horrible situation? Being homeless is not pleasant, and rarely is it an actual choice made by that person. Sleeping on the street or wherever you can find an alcove, shelter, doorway or tunnel/under a bridge where you won't be beaten or mugged by others and surviving on scraps or the goodwill of other people, isn't how a person actually wants to spend their days.

allforyoux3 25

As someone who works with the homeless, people like you really piss me off. Many of them have very complicated pasts and severe disabilities that aren't visible to the naked eye. Unless you get to know a homeless person and learn why they're actually on the streets, don't assume that they're just lazy bums. I always give money or food to people asking for it, because I'd rather help someone in need and not just keep on driving by someone who's cold and starving.

olpally 32

That's probably why he's homeless. He's groped one too many asses and has been fired from every job. FYL, that's nasty.

CoffeeChickBlows 13

Hahahaha take some anger management, internet tough guy keyboard warrior.

JMichael 25

I'd help by directing him to the nearest barbershop. Then to the nearest place with a help wanted sign.

Yeah, in a perfect world he'd probably be able to get a job without any problems. Many homeless people are unstable. If you were an employer, would you really want to hire someone that you weren't certain would be able to keep the job vs giving it to someone more qualified? It takes time and money to hire and train an employee. This is one reason why references are so important.

If a person wants something bad enough, they will try to move heaven and earth to achieve their goal. Sometimes, people can't do it on their own and need a helping hand to get started. That one gesture could be the catalyst for them to improve themselves and their life.

In my home planet that is considered rape punishable by having a alien baby. Bad enough of a punishment

SystemofaBlink41 27

And while you're at it, can you get me some, too?

That is what they call a selfless good deed ;)

perdix 29

For such a large act of kindness, you'd expect him to play with your **** a little, too, right?

RedPillSucks 31

Have you seen the size of her ass?

Black girl got an ass, it aint a secret. White girl got an ass, I wanna see it.... Bubble yum dum, ba dum dum dum da dum... Sorry, couldn't help myself.

ZomBgal 12

Oh, I had to read this again after the comments because I thought it said "mugged" instead of "hugged." Now I don't feel as badly for you because, hey, at least he didn't mug you. Though, the ass grope is a bit too much for a thank you.