By xerrika - 03/06/2014 11:56 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I finally finished a drawing that someone had asked and said they would pay me for. I worked on it for multiple hours and was very proud of it. When it came to discussing payment, I asked what his best offer was. A pack of cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 765
You deserved it 8 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me you told him no, and went searching for a new buyer. Or at least keep it, you are proud of it after all!

yikes. now you have a new painting at least.


PeartOfNeils 18

Should have asked for a case of beer also!!

nialls_girl 13

Because you know everyone smokes...NOT.

put it on eBay! sorry that person failed to appreciate your hard work.

That's why you discuss payment BEFORE beginning a commission, not AFTER. YDI.

cassiekinz 14

My question is, do you even smoke?

This is why you discuss your rates with your client before you even put the pencil to the paper.

would any other drug for payment been acceptable? :trolltrot