By Worthless Waste of Skin Who Hates Himself - 30/04/2016 12:59 - Georgia - Tbilisi

Today, I finally got the courage to talk to this coworker I like and ask her out for a coffee next door. She was dismissive, cold and rude, and filed a complaint with HR. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 573
You deserved it 2 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think this really depends on how you asked her and how creepily you've been crushing on her from afar.

Throw some DIY coffee packs on her desk and tell her she can make her own coffee.


I have a feeling we're not hearing the whole story, especially since she complained to HR. I think he was overly creepy and may have possibly been scarily watching her "from afar" for her to be so rude

I have a feeling we're not hearing the whole story, especially since she complained to HR. I wonder if he thought she was rude and cold because she said "No" and he reacted badly to her refusal to go out with him

Yeah, no one's fault really. Not her's for misinterpreting, not yours for potentially coming off too strong. Really, it's just a bad situation. Don't fret, OP.

If she had grounds to file a complaint, YDI. I'd have just pressed the Button if there was one.

FMLL2016 16
darkfalling1 1

Someone liked me at one job and it was awkward having my biggest fan constantly hitting on me. I was in a relationship. Tried to play it all off as a joke. Didn't stop him trying to make moves on me one day. Stopped talking to them altogether after that. Creepy. Then there was another guy who would touch my hips. I laid a complaint about him. Some men think attractive women owe it to them to put up with their advances. Nah. They can actually go get lost. I'm at work to work.

AspieGirl88 7

Filed a complaint simply because she didn't like being asked to go for a coffee? Talk about overkill. She obviously wasn't taught the value of good manners when she was growing up! I would've at least said yes to the one coffee (as it's not like it was declared an official date or an orgy, FFS)! Don't get upset over her, though as there are lots of nice ladies out there that I'm sure would at least take you up on your offer. =o)

InfiniteSecret 20

The OP could've not taken being rejected well or did something to cause them to go to HR. I highly doubt we got the whole story.

Do. Not. Ask. Out. Coworkers. Seriously just about every company in the United States puts this in the Employee Handbooks. It's sexual harassment. The reason we ask people on dates is because we want to have sex with them at some point so asking a co-worker out is telling them "I want to have sex with you"

Not sure what exactly you're complaining about here. You said you liked her. Unless you just mean you think she's hot, in which case you deserved it.