Small world

By ShouldICallYouDaddy - 30/04/2016 11:49 - United Kingdom - Grantham

Today, I discovered that the "hot, slutty, woman" my roommate has been dating is my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 335
You deserved it 2 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The answer to the question in your username is yes.

I hope you found out when he introduced you and not at night...


The answer to the question in your username is yes.

I hope you found out when he introduced you and not at night...

I agree, but I'm sure he heard stories that he wishes he could unhear

I need to know, does your roommate know she's your mom and does your mom know (s)he's your roommate?

well... at least your mum won't have to introduce you to her new husband? seriously though, OP, if you're not comfortable with their relationship you should voice out before shit gets heavy between those two.

flyingflies 36

So they should give up their relationship just because OP, supposedly an adult, can't handle it?

No the parent shouldn't be dating someone around her child's age anyway

@9 A good parent values their child over anything else.

#9, It's still good for OP to let them know how he feels. At the end of the day, it's their relationship, but OP's comfort might play a role in they're relationship so it's worth telling them.

Nyattack 14

Oh come on #16, sure, but an adult and independent child shouldn't have much of a say in their parent's relationships, they can voice their opinion for sure, but some people are too bratty... (then again I doubt that one will last with the way the roommate talks about her...)

This sounds like an episode in a sitcom

Well now you know he's a ************

Only way to get back at him is to bang his mother and then mention in passing how much of a freak she is.

Wait so he was telling you about her without saying she was your Mum?

That's what the text implies if you read it

cho_bee 9

I'd call that a double date.

Every 12 year old Call of Duty players dream