By sociallyawkward - 19/05/2016 01:52 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I fistbumped a cashier as they tried to hand me my change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 690
You deserved it 3 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look, sometimes people send mixed signals. Like that cyclist making a right turn who /clearly/ wanted a high five. Or that dude in the gym holding those large things and moving his arms because all he wanted was a hug. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise, OP; I certainly didn't!

And suddenly, you are the coolest person on earth. Congratulations!


Hope he fistbumped you back lol. The world needs more cool people like you! Yes, cool! Next time this accidentally happens, just say, "Hey brah, just wanna say thanks for the change!" :p (Lame, I know!)

Honestly I would've laughed if I were the cashier.

orangejubejube 20

This is awesome, definitely not an fml :)

orangejubejube 20

You were accidentally awesome. Own it.

"a cashier" - "they"? Your grammar doesn't have a constant plurality... Also this isn't a FML, Just a funny story :)

420_blaze_it 7

I do the same thing too whenever a cashier hands me change with a closed fist

Raze_Roze 7

Oh please, that's awesome. Keep doing it. Throw people for a loop.