By jellybean_94 - 15/08/2009 04:33 - Canada

Today, I found out that my parents are first cousins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 137 418
You deserved it 7 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This happens more often then you'd think. But still, FYL.

My parents are first cousins too, lol, I turned out fine. Just don't go off with your first cousin, there will probably be some trouble there :P


Was this before or after you discovered your 3rd head?

God doesn't exist. Sorry for being so blunt.

What does being portugese or muslim have to do with it?

Not true. A classmate of mine told us, (because we were discussing family trees) that his cousins got married, had a child, and their child has no fingernails, and. . . another deformity, but I don't remember it. :P

some cultures (like I know some bedouins do that) are cool with first cousins marrying and having kids and don't see it as incest. quickly googled to check: "About 47 percent of Bedouin marriages are between first cousins. Thirty-three percent are patrilateral, that is, between the children of brothers."

eriad1019 0

For the record here, Bedouins =/= Muslims. One is a nomadic ethnic group, the other is the term used to refer to members of a faith. Also, marriages between first cousins is more common than you think, and is a cultural aspect seen all over the globe.

marlux 0

... well this is a time wen following in your parents footsteps isnt a good idea

Well, at least it all stays in the family! :-p Seriously though, that's kinda traumatizing in a way.

nikktherocker 0

Better start the banjo lessons. Buy Deliverance on DVD. What was it like to play with Johnny Cox? I'm really sorry, but I had to. FYL majorly, friend. Trivia: After half-4th Cousins have the same common DNA as two people picked at random.

Hypothetically speaking, we're all cousins at some point, so it's unavoidable. Second of all, there's enough blood difference to create a perfectly normal and healthy child. Are you normal and healthy? You should be. So stop complaining and actually care about something important. What had already happened cannot be changed now.

We're only all cousins if you believe in that Religion...