By jellybean_94 - 15/08/2009 04:33 - Canada

Today, I found out that my parents are first cousins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 137 418
You deserved it 7 360

Same thing different taste

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This happens more often then you'd think. But still, FYL.

My parents are first cousins too, lol, I turned out fine. Just don't go off with your first cousin, there will probably be some trouble there :P



Well, I guess that blows the whole "Your baby already has fingernails" abortion argument out of the water...

Hmmmm....that's cool I guess. Who are we to judge?

naja_12168 3

So being that you're so open-minded and accepting of it would you do it? I'm genuinely curious. As far as the "who are we to judge" question (that is starting to sound more and more like a cliché) keep in mind judging goes both ways. I really want to know when will it be okay for people to say that they think something isn't okay, give valid reasons as to why they feel the way they do, and other people will just accept that not everyone is okay with everything and that THAT IS okay too. Some people feel that even in this day age you have to draw the line somewhere, regardless of what people do in other countries/cultures/religions and for however long. Sorry if I come off rude and that is not my intention, but I had to say something.

For the future sake of USA society, I could only WISH that all first cousins would marry. Eventually, the offspring idiots will be too stupid to vote... oh wait. Nevermind, seems like we have already passed that point.

I agree. Completely. With everything you said. You're a genius.

naja_12168 3

So everyone here thinks marrying your first cousin is okay because it's a common practice in some countries and apparently in the U.S too in several states (news to me) and none of you that don't see a problem with this would be the least shocked, sick, or upset if you found out your parents were first cousins because it's so common, "old news," and in the bible. Thus, making it okay. Correct? I'm asking because that is the assumption I'm getting. If I'm right then wow, I learn something new about society everyday. Makes me want to take up psychology and sociology classes to learn why people think the way they do.

dear number 34 the "humorizer" you're a moron if you're gonna quote God then get your facts straight Leviticus 18:6 says this 6 " 'No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the LORD. So please Mr. humorizer if you're gonna defend your cause with a quote from a religion you apparently know nothing about do a little more research before your next posting

naja_12168 3

Sorry if people find my opinion so offensive but I'm shocked at how okay everyone is with this. Not the response I was expecting, but hey, you learn something new everyday.

im sry OP but I thnk dats just wayyyy to weird. my distant cousin tried to kiss me wen we were a lil younger and I slapped da crap outta him. Even though we were way down the line of being related I still thought of him as if he was a 1st cousin. It was jus 2 weird.

Fridiculously 0

"Son, your mother and I are cousins. Get yourself tested." ...wat?