By buzzzzkill - 27/08/2009 11:51 - United States

Today, I got home from work, and saw a note on the counter my roomate left saying "Sorry about the basement." I then went into the basement, and found that it was flooded. My TV, Xbox360, mini-fridge, and couch were all destroyed. Good thing he tried to stop the leak with scotch tape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 876
You deserved it 2 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then the water will wash away the evidence when you murder him and throw him down there.

easton_87 0

That's what happens when you room with an idiot.


Whoever said turn 360 degrees and walk away, l2troll.

bummer man I would cry if I lost my 360

kc2_fml 0

HA 80 degrees? it gets to about 105 here in Texas....

echarperouge 0

Um, if your basement's been flooded, an xbox and a ruined couch are the LEAST of your worries.

What a moron. I mean, who the **** uses scotch tape to fix leaks? Duct tape does it right. Remember, "if you can't duct it, **** it"

asdfghjkl321 0

don't worry about the xbox it was probably going to break soon anyways xD ydi for having a dumb roomate

leafsfan13 0

lol you have a ****** up roommate. Scotch tape, eh? You have to be kidding me!