By wetandpantsless - 04/10/2009 04:15 - United States

Today, I got invited to a big upperclassmen party that underclassmen don't normally get invited to. I was feeling really good when I got there and saw that the girl I'm in love with was there. They stole my pants and gave me a swirly. Her reaction was to post pictures on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 553
You deserved it 6 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifeislife_fml 0

What about their assholes? Something wrong with them?

KillaKingPerrie 4

School shootings here we come.


YDI for saying the girl you love was there. If you actually loved her you would be dating her, or have dated her for a while. Love is not some stupid little pathetic nerd crush on the head cheerleader. Way to be a walking cliche.

Angi95 3

You can love someone and be denied. You can fall in love with somebody and they not love you you don't have to be going out with them to be in love with them but I see what you mean.

WickedClownMCL 1

Your ******* stupid. You have no idea what love is. Your jist bouncing on everything with a dick you STD infested bitch.

Haha I so didn't have to check UD for the definition of swirly :P That sucks :/

thats what you get for saying you love someone you dont know. loser

sucks dude. and there's a difference between love and crush. and you obviously did not know her well enough to expect such a reaction from her. so congratulations, you "love" a girl who posts embarrassing pictures of you for everyone to see and who most likely is screwing the "upperclassmen" students. i suggest you find some other girl that's a "underclassman" like you and get to know her better before you start saying that you "love" her. fyl for what happened to you but kinda hard to feel sorry for not using your head. upperclassmen students are often known to play pranks on underclassmen students especially when they invite an underclassmen to a party that as you said "underclassmen don't normally get invited to". that should tip you off that something is up. perhaps you've learned your lesson and be wiser next time you decide to go to a party from upperclassmen that underclassmen normally don't get invited to lol ^_^

aww...that's horrible babe. I don't think you want to be with her though, she sounds like a bitch

gangstaaa_fml 0

can i get a link to those pictures?

You fell for it hook, line, and sinker. YDI for being such a gullible frosh and for pining over a girl you'll never have.

KillaKingPerrie 4

School shootings here we come.

kenjiisown 1

Yikes. This is why America needs better gun control.

myhairynutsack 0

Lesson learned. heh. Stuff happens to everyone, you'll do it to someone else someday.

shakemup 0