By Official_Person - 02/06/2010 21:31 - United States

Today, I got married. My new husband wanted to carry me over the threshold of our apartment, but he couldn't pick me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 030
You deserved it 31 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww. Either you're fat or he's wimpy. Good one....


Igor_g5 0

Either he's too weak or you're too fat. But oh well, at least you got someone who loves you. No FML.

KoRn_Freak 1

I know how you feel.. -___- I'm only 110 lbs and my bf can't lift me... D:

FYLDeep 25

I hope that isn't you in the picture.

KoRn_Freak 1
FYLDeep 25

Holy shit! Never would have guessed. And I'm pretty familiar to how JD looks.

DiNgO_lOvE 0

that's sad... try some lean cuisine instead of large fries and 'diet' coke...

ash92_fml 0

Try not being an assuming bitch, ****

Lunatik89 0

damn y u didnt u just carry Thats romantic

no Ari that's just fail and you still look like a minor :P