By the_pheasant66 - 26/06/2010 10:31 - Ireland

Today, I got my eyebrow pierced. When I got home to show my family, my little sister said, "That's so fake!" and tore it off my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 123
You deserved it 11 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Babushka_Homyak 10

What the **** is wrong with your sister?

ArtIsResistance7 1

That's when you grab her face skin and rip it off, leaving only bone and muscle. "Hey, what do you know, your face was fake too!"


FYL, but piercings like that are gross and you should beat the shit out of her.

I love piercings got alot of em on me <3

who gets their eyebrows pierced, you dumb idiot? who does that? i'm proud of your little sister.

Millions of people around the world... That's who.

millions of people take it in the ass too, just sayin'

Ydi for getting a really ugly and unneeded piercing in a horrible spot.

morganavery33 5

oh that's gotta hurt! te sane thing happened to my friend, except she accidently tore hers out while washing her face. it leaves a scar . sorry OP. :/