By Anonymous - 16/02/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, I had an asthma attack. I grabbed my inhaler and found peanut butter on it. I'm extremely allergic to peanuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 957
You deserved it 3 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justfienne 12

Omugoodness you guys, don't you see?! SOMEONE else who knows of the peanut allergy spread it on OP's inhaler, so that they either get sick from the peanut butter or suffocate from an asthma attack. That's so sad that someone's ACTUALLY trying to kill you, that's no joke man. Watch yer back!


ashpen10 0

you can't be that allergic if your still alive and posted this fml lol

Fyl Sounds like somebody wants you dead.. >.<

Are there enough clues for him to figure it out?

Yarrachel 16

I mentioned Poirot to some friends today when we were talking about Belgium. Nobody knew who I was talking about. I was sad, but I feel better now.

murph3 0

you guys are retards why the **** would a person put something that could kill them on their inhaler.... it's called the stupidest prank ever either that or someone wants you dead

No one thinks he deliberately put peanut butter on his inhaler. But it is possible that he was simply negligent, maybe leaving the inhaler out on the kitchen counter where it got peanut butter on it.

skyeyez9 24

Wow that sucks! I had a a severe anaphalyctic shock reaction on valentines day. I never had one before and not even sure what caused it. As I didnt do or eat anything different than I normally do. But it is sheer terror when you feel your throat burning and swelling shut. Fyl OP. :( I had to call 911.

imakeusay14 2

whoo ihave asthma and im EXTREMELY allergic to peanuts too,, ` coooollll lol

batgirl_babygirl 0

sounds like someone wants you GONE

arianebanana 0

better hope the person who tampered with your inhaler didn't tamper with your epi pen...