By notanidiot - 20/06/2012 12:46 - United States - Lansing

Today, I laughed when I shouldn't have and am probably fired. What happened? My boss asked me if birds were reptiles. I thought he was kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 968
You deserved it 3 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they aren't as different as you think. Birds are descended from dinosaurs.

FireFlie07 20

He seriously thought birds were reptiles???Lmao


What kind of job do you have that this topic would come up?

qwertyuiop100 2

HEY YOU. guess what. I moderated this!! yayyy hahaha:)

DrownedMyFish 18

He must have been kidding. Everyone knows birds are a part of the reptile family. He shouldn't of had to ask...... Honestly, people are so stupid these days.

glitchez 2

I wouldn't wanna work for a stupid boss anyways. It's a blessing in disguise OP

mrmerino 0

Well, birds are descendent from reptiles.

they are actually in the same family. birds have scaly feet like reptiles do.

Birds ate closely related to reptiles actually.

pazzi3920 1

Actually according to my biology txt book 34 is right!

That isn't a dumb question at all. The animal class avian doesn't exist anymore, birds are actually grouped under reptiles because they are direct descendants, they are more closely related to many types of reptiles than crocodiles are. In fact, the fact that you laughed kind of showed your ignorance when your boss obviously knows enough to even ask the question.

and as for humans evolving from small rats... rats are still mammals and what are we? That's right mammals, its not like she was asking if birds are lizards.