By notanidiot - 20/06/2012 12:46 - United States - Lansing

Today, I laughed when I shouldn't have and am probably fired. What happened? My boss asked me if birds were reptiles. I thought he was kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 968
You deserved it 3 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they aren't as different as you think. Birds are descended from dinosaurs.

FireFlie07 20

He seriously thought birds were reptiles???Lmao


They're obviously not reptiles now but feathers are an adaption of scales. So maybe he was confused by the facts? Either way that wasn't even funny enough to laugh in his face, at best it was a scoff.

hateevryone 14

Somebody wasn't paying attention in school.

hornyunicorny 2

I hope you don't work at a zoo!

It shouldn't matter that you laughed unless you laughed loudly like a moron...

dude...birds are evolved from reptiles, which means they are in the monophyletic group reptiles. Hell, there's even an XKCD comic on the subject, google the ornithology one. They are closely related to lizards (and snakes), turtles, and crocs. You know, ALL OF THE REPTILES. So OP, maybe you should learn not to laugh at people, else people like me start laughing at you, much, much harder.

stoptrying 9

While you're right that they evolved from reptiles, that doesn't make them reptiles. They have their own classification. Now the only people being laughed at are you and OP's boss.

We evolved from mammals, and though we also have our own classifications, that doesn't make us NOT mammals. The classifications for birds are there to have more descriptions. In biology, we prefer monophyletic groups (which includes ancestor and ALL descendants) to paraphyletic groups. If they evolved from reptiles, they are in the monophyletic group reptiles. They can be NOT part of the traditional paraphyletic group of reptiles, but paraphyletic groups are random (ancestor + not all of the descendants = random grouping that makes less sense) and are less useful when discussing evolution.

RedPillSucks 31

I don't know why everyone is calling the boss an idiot. Unless he's working as an evolutionary biologist, it's ok that he didn't know, or was uncertain. I didn't know uranus was a planet :-) and I'm a nuclear quantum verteron biologist

kaylanicole1695 12

actually birds are very closely related, they have a lot of the same characteristics. scientists have been considering putting them in the same class. learned this in my advanced biology class

darkenedone 27

Yeah, ridiculous question! Everyone knows that birds are diapsids; diapsida being a subclass of reptilia.